Faith that Remains


“… Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” Luke 18:8 KJV

    It’s been more than a month ago since my dear sister passed away.  It was July 6th.  I had left the hospital about twelve hours before, and I’d just returned.  It was about 4:35 pm.  I knew she would be leaving soon, but I had no idea that it would happen so fast.  I’d sense the urgency all day, urging my husband and children to get to the hospital.  It was as if she was waiting for me to get there.  My younger sister along with a niece and nephew had arrived at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta early that morning; she had sent word around 2:00 pm that her blood pressure was steadily dropping.  Another text was sent around 4:00 pm stating that they had proposed reducing medications to support kidney and heart that were known to decrease blood pressure.  I was sitting at a traffic light on my way to the hospital as I read this text; the message went on to say that they were switching to comfort care realizing that she may not make it.  As I arrived, I went straight to her room (no one was there; the door closed behind me); my sister’s son, my oldest nephew and his wife heard the door and came to see who entered the room.  Shortly after arriving, the head nurse came in with much concern on her face. Their decision to reduce her medication was not working, and there was nothing more that could be done.  The chaplain walked into the room about fifteen minutes later, prayed and encouraged us.  After he left, my sister’s numbers began to drop so fast that it was scary; Her life line had dropped and was only displaying little bumps.   It was after this that I looked at my nephew and said, “we need to call everyone in.”  My sister was leaving us.  By the time each of us said our last words to her ( it was 10 of us), we watched the little bumps in her life line stretch out into eternity at 5:27 pm.  My sister slipped into eternity so fast.   She was gone.  She fought the good fight of faith.  She ran her race.  She endured to the end.  She finished her course. 

  Death has its way of forcing us to think.  Am I prepared for eternity?  What will people have to say about me?  Did I fulfill my purpose?  Will God be pleased with me? How will I be remembered?  And the list of questions can go on and on, but as we drove home that night, I begin to think on Sissy.  The first thing that came to mind was that she was “Classy” and “Creative.”  Sissy was a seamstress, and she was the best.   Some of her clients included MC Hammer, Aretha Franklin, and Deon Sanders, but her best clients were her friends, family and church members. She was well acquainted with using a pattern and the imperatives of following instructions.  She created styles and made her own patterns, and she was just as creative in the kitchen. Sissy had a way in the kitchen that no one could touch.  She gave Creole, Cajun, and Soul Food a new meaning. Sissy was also “Compassionate”; she had a smile and that cute dimple that could melt anyone.  Her love was deep, and she would do anything for you.  Sissy was a lover of animals, and animals some kind of way knew that; they would show up at her door with the assurance that they would be taken care of.  She was beautiful inside and out, which moves me to the most important characteristic about her -  She was “Christlike.”  She used her God given gifts, talents, and abilities as her profession and her ministry.  Her hands and that smile were a blessing to so many - her family, her friends, her church, her clients, and her neighbors.  As I continued to reflect, the last word that came to mind to describe my dear sister was “Courageous.”   


Using the card game analogy, I didn’t like the hand my Sissy was given, and if I could, I would have changed it, but I couldn’t.  She accepted the hand of cards that were dealt to her as HIS will for her life.  I can say that her faith was strong.  It was so strong at times that it seemed delusional. She trusted HIM and had found HIM to be faithful.  Her favorite hymn was “Great is Thy Faithfulness” by Thomas Obediah Chisholm. I can never remember a time that my sister was not sick.  She had her share of life’s heart aches and pain, but she was resolved in her faithfulness to God looking to Him, the Author and Finisher of her faith (Hebrews 12:2).  I was also reminded of something that was written about my father, Bishop Leroy Loyd, in his obituary.  “ On March 29, 1979, he answered God’s call to ‘Come up higher’; leaving behind a monument of virtue that the storms of time can never destroy; he has written his name in kindness, love, and mercy on the hearts of thousands.”  What a testimony of faithfulness!  This is exactly what real faith is, and this is what God is looking for in each of us… 

In Habakkuk 2:4 (KJV), he wrote so beautifully that “…  the just shall live by his faith.  The conclusion on everything that transpires in our life must be rooted in our faith in a faithful God. Our faith must be entrenched by HIS faith. HIS faith must become our faith. Habakkuk's statement was so powerful that God inspired Paul to refer to this verse three times in the New Testament (Romans 1:17; Galatians 3:11; Hebrews 10:38). The New Testament word for faith as defined by Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon (Greek 4102 - pistis) is (1) not only complete trust, confidence, and strong belief, but also “a system of religious belief.” (2) Fidelity, faithfulness; the character of one who can be relied on.  In the New Testament, this same Greek word is a characteristic of Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).  This word is not only an attribute of God, but it should be an attribute of every Born Again Believer; thus faith is two-fold.  It has everything to do with our complete trust in God, and to our surprise, God’s complete trust in us - faithfulness.  Habakkuk 2:4 (AMP) states it with more clarity that “… the [rigidly] just and the [uncompromisingly] righteous man shall live by his faith and in his faithfulness.   


    “… Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth” Luke 18:8 KJV?  God is looking for faithfulness.  God is looking for individuals who are loyal, constant, staunch, steadfast and resolute.  Are those adjectives that describe you? If He was to call you home today, would you hear, “Well done thy good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:21)?  Can God count on you to represent Him and everything He stands for - His Kingdom, His Purpose, His Passion, His Love, His Compassion, His Mercy, His Grace??? On a scale of 1 - 10 with 10 being the greatest, how would you rate yourself?  Are you satisfied with your rating? Would you like to improve your score?  May I say that whatever number you gave yourself, faith or should I say a commitment to faithfulness is where you must begin to improve your rating. Take a minute or two even a day or week, if needed, to access your life and how you are living. What are some things that you could list that you are resolved, starched, and steadfast about?  

In March of 2004, in the middle of battling Graves Disease, God began to really deal with me concerning my purpose, and what He had destined me to be for the building of His Kingdom.  Please note that He was not dealing with me about my healing, but about my purpose.  My purpose and destiny is the most important thing in this life.  I decided I would write my own purpose, mission and vision statement. I did not write it in March, but I did write in June of that year.  I was away in Jamaica for ten days - no hubby, no children, and no church responsibilities.  I had plenty of time to pray and talk to God.  I wanted His will for my life more than I wanted healing, and I wanted to make a statement of my faithfulness to Him and to His Kingdom.  God assisted me in writing this, and after over thirteen years, I wouldn’t add or subtract a thing. I am more resolved and more determined than I have ever been in this life.  

I would like to encourage you to start somewhere and hold yourself accountable to your statement of faithfulness.  First, write a simple purpose statement of what you believe God has purposed you to be.  Your purpose statement will state your commitment to Him and His Kingdom.  Please take your time, and don’t rush; pray and listen to God.  If you are new in your faith, you may ask for assistance from a mentor or someone you look up to.   You may write a purpose statement only, and that’s okay, but for those of you who would like to be more specific, you may proceed to the next step.  Secondly, this will take more time, write your mission - WHAT you plan to do to fulfill your purpose. And thirdly, this will also take time, write your vision - HOW you plan or envision yourself living out, enjoying and fulfilling your mission.  There is no right or wrong way to do this.  This is between you and God.  Put your signature on it, and remember to have fun and enjoy every experience of your life with Him.  

Tonda Loyd Henry

August 30, 2017


Tonda Loyd Henry

My Personal Purpose and Mission Statement

To be known as a resilient vessel of faith in this life, I will be an authentic Christian lady of God who will endeavor to point others to Christ as I…

LOVE God with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength.  And love my neighbor as myself. (Mark 12:31-31)

SERVE God and his people for I am his handmaiden; I will follow his example of humility and servant-hood as I build His Kingdom and serve my community. (Phil 2; Mark 10:43-45)

GIVE myself, my time, my resources, and my energy to the work of the Lord.

CRITIC myself first; then towards others, I will appreciate the diversity of temperaments, tendencies, and personalities and will endeavor to teach others to celebrate the difference.

CONDUCT myself in the way that will witness Christ; I will be a living epistle that all may read and see Christ

CHALLENGE myself to be ready to give an answer to every man that asks of me a reason for the hope that is in me. (I Peter 3:5)  This will require me to always be teachable and forever be a student of God’s Word.  I will engage myself in constant growth through seminars, conferences, Bible Study, structured learning, positive reading and always give ear to the prophet or prophetess that God has placed in my life.

ENCOURAGE men and women to keep the bond of unity.  God’s word commands us to “Encourage one another and build each other up” (Thess. 5:11 NASB).  We are a community of believers.

EXTEND myself wherever, whenever and to whomever I can be helpful, supportive, friendly, sensitive, compassionate, and influential to the Glory of God.

INVITE everyone to experience the joy of going beyond and living life more abundantly.

VALUE myself because God has molded me to be who I am, but I will never forget why He has invested so much in me.  I must esteem or value the other better than myself because His Purpose is my purpose.  I must make myself of no reputation.  I am the Lord’s servant. 


My Vision

 I will seek for opportunities to influence, equip and instruct others in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus in my community, my city, my country and my world.

I will be a minister of reconciliation.  I will help restore men and women to communion with God that was lost in the Garden of Eden.

I will walk softly before God in humility never forgetting the grace of God in my life, for His grace is always sufficient; His strength is made perfect in my weakness, therefore, I will gladly glory in my weakness that the POWER of God may rest on me.  (II Cor.  12:9).

I will be sensitive to the voice of God and obedient to His Word.

I will stand firm in my beliefs; I will be a fearless woman of faith, a mighty prayer warrior, Hell’s greatest threat, a defender of the faith, and I will not retreat.  I will finish strong!

I will remember whose I am and where God has brought me from.  I will take up my cross daily, deny myself, and follow Him.  I will live to bring pleasure to my Savior and Lord Jesus Christ.

I will strive to live a stress-free life.  I will take time to rest, have a cup of tea, chat with a friend, and smell the roses.

I will accept the call that God has placed on my life.  I will not be selfish.  I will not complain.  I will not whine.

I will take time to have fun, laugh, and tease.  I will enjoy the medicine of laughter.

I will be a minister of encouragement.  I will hug, listen, counsel, mentor, and offer prayers.

I will be the Titus 2 Model and Mentor the younger women in Christ.  I will commit myself to our children.   “We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, His power, and the wonders he has done.” (Psalms 78:4 NASB)

I will crave wisdom and Godly counsel, therefore, I will always have room in my life for the man and woman of God.

I will accept my husband as God’s gift to me. I will love him, commit to him, respect him, honor him, build him, appreciate him, enjoy him, forgive him, pray for him, be his help meet, his greatest delight,  and help him see his God given vision come to pass.

I will accept my children as God’s gift to me.   I will love them, teach them, value them, forgive them, spend time with them, pray for them, leave a legacy for them and help them become the man and women who are sold out to Christ.

“Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her. Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.  Favor is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.  Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her own works praise her in the gates.”  

Proverbs 31:28; 30-31